Custom Nutritional Labels
A Nutrition facts label, or also known as the nutrition information panel, is a label required on many food labels and beverage labels.
This label is required by law, and represents the nutrients in a food, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
The nutrition label facts provide consumers detailed information about a food nutrient content.
For example the amount of fat, sugar, sodium and fiber it has.
The Old Nutritional Labels
Nutrition Facts Panel Example
Above is a picture of how to read a nutrition label, But it's important to keep in mind that a new version of the ingredients label was started in 2014, and approved in May 20th, 2016. The changes are minor, but the design has been change a little. Take a look below at the updated 2020 nutrition label.
The Updated 2020 Nutrition Label
2020 Nutrition Labels
In 2016, the FDA announced big changes on nutrition labels, with a goal to help consumers read the label more easy.
The FDA also has a nutritional facts page on how to read the ingredient labels. The CDC also does a great job explaining the labels. And the Heart association also has a great article on how to read the nutrition label.
Ingredient Label Updates
The most noticlbe change is that the 'calories' text has been enlarged to emphasize the calorie count. And the label also shows the 'per serving' compared to the 'per container'.
The FDA does not require specific fonts, but mandates that the label "utilize single easy-to-read type style".
The examples above are using a helvetica font. The ingredient label must also be in english including the name of the product, quantity, serving size, and number of servings per package.
Other changes to the ingredient label were removing the 'calories from fat', showing how much sugar has been added to a product, and declaring the vitamin D amount, and potassium in a food or drink product. To read more about the nutritional label changes click the links above.
Get A Nutrition Labels Quote
If you need help printing your custom nutrition labels or date labels, Bay Tech Label company can help.
Contact one of our knowledgeable customer service representatives for a free quote today.