Thank You, & Merry Christmas 2019 From Bay Tech Label

Merry Christmas 2019
Dear Customers and Employees,
We wanted to take a moment and share with you how much we value you. We hope this letter finds you and your family well.
Bay Tech Label Company, a custom labels manufacturer and private label printing company, sends this cordial greeting and best wishes to all for this holiday season.
For this Christmas and Thanksgivings we want to thank all our employees and customers for working with Bay Tech label company. In this company we are happy to share our success with you as we consider you a very valuable asset in our family owned business.
We write this letter to greet you on this beautiful Holiday season and wish the best to you and your family and hope you get to spend pleasant moments with them.
As we enter the holiday season, we should remember that it is better to give than to receive.
During 2019, Bay Tech Label contributed to organizations to help children, protect the environment, promote the arts, and lift those less fortunate.
The organizations we support are:
- Petersburg Free Clinic
- Great Explorations Children’s Museum
- Pinellas County School System (targeted Title 1 schools)
- National Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
- The Florida Orchestra
- American Stage
- Habitat for Humanity
- Tampa Bay Community Development Corp
- Petersburg Neighborhood Home Solutions
- DayStar
We hope that for this Christmas and Thanksgivings your homes are greatly blessed and that in the coming year you can accomplish all the goals and dreams you have.
We leave you with this warm greeting, wishing you and your family a beautiful Christmas and Thanksgiving holiday.
Karl Nurse,
CEO of Bay Tech Label
12177 28th Street North
St Petersburg, Florida