Consumer’s Guide For Buying Custom Labels Online

Custom Labels & Product Labels
Now that you have selected your label colors, and you have selected the best material for your custom labels, you are ready to order and print your labels.
But before you put in a Request for quote (RFQ) the five tips below might help with some foresight and save you time.
Some of the top things to remember when getting your custom labels quote is the size of the label, the number of labels you need, and the amount of different label versions you will need.
These main three factors, along with the type of material you choose (number four), and the amount of colors (number five) will determine your label pricing.
Label Size – When choosing your custom label size you want to make sure that the label will fit on your product bottle, if you are putting the label on a jar or bottle/container. The best way to make sure that your label will fit is to download our free paper ruler here, cut it out, then wrap it around your bottle or container and see the size you need. The height of your label should be the first number, and the width will be your second number. So if your label measures 3 inches tall and 5 inches wide, your custom label would be a 3x5. You can also mail your bottle or container to Bay Tech Label company and we will find a correct size for your label. Make sure to call and speak to a sales person first so you can put the correct ATTN: on the package parcel.
Quantity of labels needed – This one can be tricky for first time customers to grasp, as a lot of the costs in printing custom labels is rooted in the setup. So if the press setup time takes one full hour to prepare the job, the time to print your labels could only be 15 minutes, depending on your quantity. This means that you are paying more for the press setup time, rather than the printing of the labels. One way to offset this, is to increase your total label quantity. By increasing your label quantity, you get more labels per dollar because after the press is setup and ready to go, the cost to keep printing your custom labels is minimal.
The amount of different label versions you need – It is always cheaper to print one version of a label, compared to multiple versions of a label. This is because each time there is a version change, the label printing press stops momentarily for the switch over. The only exception is when printing digital labels, the press does not need to stop, and the digital press can do the switchover in literally one second. Therefore, digital label printing can be more cost effective for small label quantities, especially with multiple label versions. Also, Digital labels don’t need plates, which can also help reduce label printing costs.
Label Material – Please See the Label Materials
- Label Colors – Please See the CMYK vs Spot colors
Ready to get a custom label quote? Submit your information here. One of our knowledgeable label representatives will contact you as soon as possible.